2017.12: Mummy Cliff, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA
Location: Mummy Cliff, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA
Date: 2017.12
Photographer: Jesen
Camera: Nikon
Retouch: Adobe Photoshop
Copyright: www.haomingxiong.com
Capitol Reef is an excellent place to see many of the geologic strata that make up the Colorado Plateau. White Rim sandstone 275 million years old is at the base of the Fremont River Gorge. Dark red Moenkopi siltstone and mudstone has formed the beautiful Mummy Cliffs. Sheer Wingate sandstone cliffs soar over Utah Highway 24 and are capped by domes of Navajo sandstone. Entrada sandstone has formed spectacular fins in the Cathedral Valley.
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