2018.11: Mount Baoding, Dazu Rock Carvings, Chongqing, China
Location: Mount Baoding, Dazu Rock Carvings, Chongqing, China
Date: 2018.11
Photographer: Jesen
Camera: Nikon
Retouch: Adobe Photoshop
Copyright: www.haomingxiong.com
Listed as a World Heritage Site, the Dazu Rock Carvings are made up of 75 protected sites containing some 50,000 statues, with over 100,000 Chinese characters forming inscriptions and epigraphs. The sites are located in Chongqing Municipality within the steep hillsides throughout Dazu County, located about 165 kilometers west of the urban area of Chongqing. The highlights of the rock grotto are found on Mount Baoding and Mount Beishan.
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