2011.05: Ingolstadt, Bayern, Germany
Location: Ingolstadt, Bayern, Germany
Date: 2011.05
Photographer: Jesen
Camera: Nikon
Retouch: Adobe Photoshop
Copyright: www.haomingxiong.com
As is the picturesque Old Town, best accessed through the splendid Kreuztor gate, the most beautiful of the remaining town gates, Ingolstadt’s most famous landmark and a delightful example of Medieval architecture. Beyond the gate, some magnificent sights await visitors, such as the New Palace, the Asam Church with its famous Lepanto monstrance, the Old Anatomy building and the Old Town Hall. Next to this stands the city’s oldest parish church, St. Moritz. A Romanesque church tower rises on its northern side, while to the south stands the slender Gothic Pfeifturm, formerly a city watchtower. 200 steps lead up to the top of this tower, which offers outstanding panoramic views of the city and the impressive late-Gothic minster, the largest hall church in southern Germany.
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