LeetCode: 36. Valid Sudoku
Problem: 36. Valid Sudoku
Link: https://leetcode.com/problems/valid-sudoku/
Difficulty: Medium
Determine if a 9×9 Sudoku board is valid. Only the filled cells need to be validated according to the following rules:
- Each row must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
- Each column must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
- Each of the 9 3×3 sub-boxes of the grid must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
A partially filled sudoku which is valid.
The Sudoku board could be partially filled, where empty cells are filled with the character ‘.’.
Example 1:
[[“5″,”3″,”.”,”.”,”7″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”.”],[“6″,”.”,”.”,”1″,”9″,”5″,”.”,”.”,”.”],[“.”,”9″,”8″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”.”,”6″,”.”],[“8″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”6″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”3″],[“4″,”.”,”.”,”8″,”.”,”3″,”.”,”.”,”1″],[“7″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”2″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”6″],[“.”,”6″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”.”,”2″,”8″,”.”],[“.”,”.”,”.”,”4″,”1″,”9″,”.”,”.”,”5″],[“.”,”.”,”.”,”.”,”8″,”.”,”.”,”7″,”9″] ]
Output: true
Example 2:
[[“8″,”3″,”.”,”.”,”7″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”.”],[“6″,”.”,”.”,”1″,”9″,”5″,”.”,”.”,”.”],[“.”,”9″,”8″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”.”,”6″,”.”],[“8″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”6″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”3″],[“4″,”.”,”.”,”8″,”.”,”3″,”.”,”.”,”1″],[“7″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”2″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”6″],[“.”,”6″,”.”,”.”,”.”,”.”,”2″,”8″,”.”],[“.”,”.”,”.”,”4″,”1″,”9″,”.”,”.”,”5″],[“.”,”.”,”.”,”.”,”8″,”.”,”.”,”7″,”9″] ]
Output: false
Explanation: Same as Example 1, except with the 5 in the top left corner being modified to 8. Since there are two 8’s in the top left 3×3 sub-box, it is invalid.
- A Sudoku board (partially filled) could be valid but is not necessarily solvable.
- Only the filled cells need to be validated according to the mentioned rules.
- The given board contain only digits 1-9 and the character ‘.’.
- The given board size is always 9×9.
Language: Swift
Runtime: 208ms
Memory: 19.4MB
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